Hey, remember the pandemic?

Those of you who are European may remember that we were banned from travelling to the USA for about two years for some reason, unless we quarantined for weeks in zero-COVID green zones like Mexico and Colombia.

So just before the borders opened and flights resumed, United Airlines wanted to make a big splash and remind Londoners – their most-served European destination – that they were welcome back. Oh, and they’d bought Piccadilly Circus as a media placement.

We had three days, which wasn’t enough time to clear any images whatsoever so I wrote a long copy ad which was a love letter to America. Really just a list of all the things I love about the place. And then we put it on the front cover of London’s two biggest papers. And then I did some headlines that may have, amongst other things, overpromised a degree of sexual success for anyone with a strong enough accent.


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There was lots of this sort of thing too. I’m frantically chasing down the others.